Biografi dan Profil Lengkap Bob Sadino Pengusaha Nyentrik.

BOB SADINO Essay. 1578 Words 7 Pages “Money is not the main reason to start a business. Never let yourself start a business just because you want to earn money. One must have willingness and determination to reach success, thus people keep up working although they have to go through failures.” Ucapan tersebut keluar dari mulut seorang Bob.

Viewpoint: Bob Sadino, owner of Kem Group of business III. Major Policy Statement Kem Chicks is the best gourmet lifestyle supermarket in the Kemang area that serves upper and middle cosmopolitan customers delighting the customers through better product quality, delightful ambiance and display with depth of knowledge of specialty foods and products.

Essay Bob Sadino

View Essay - awal-bob-sadino from FINANCE 123456 at University of Surabaya. Awal Bob Sadino January 5, 2009 by admin Filed under Perjalanan Om Bob Leave a Comment Bob Sadino atau akrab dipanggil om.

Essay Bob Sadino

Bob Sadino Sosok berambut putih, bercelana pendek, dan kadang mengisap rokok dari cangklongnya ini begitu mudah dikenali.Ia adalah Bob Sadino, pengusaha sukses yang terkenal dengan jaringan usaha Kemfood dan Kemchick-nya. Beberapa kali wajahnya ikut tampil di beberapa sinetron hingga ke layar lebar, meski kadang hanya tampil sebagai figuran.

Essay Bob Sadino

Bob Sadino was born in an affluent family. He was the youngest among his four siblings. When his parents died, Sadino was still 19 years old. He inherited all his family properties since his siblings were considered to have prosperous lives. Sadino then spent his money to travel around the world.


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Essay Bob Sadino

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Essay Bob Sadino

Viewpoint: Bob Sadino, owner of Kem Group of business III. Major Policy Statement Kem Chicks is the best gourmet lifestyle supermarket in the Kemang area that serves upper and middle cosmopolitan customers delighting the customers through better product quality, delightful ambiance and display with depth of knowledge.


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Essay Bob Sadino

Menjadi seorang pengusaha yang sukses di usia muda tentu tidak bisa dialami oleh semua orang di muka bumi ini. Untuk mewujudkan hal tersebut, akan dibutuhkan banyak usaha dan juga kerja keras, sebab kesuksesan tidak akan didapatkan dengan mudah, apalagi di usia yang masih muda.


Biografi dan Profil Lengkap Bob Sadino Pengusaha Nyentrik.

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